MCG PACK: Environmentally-Responsible Packaging
/Mark O'Brien (operations executive) and Alicia Tunnicliff (QA manager) are proud to add FSC Chain of Custody certification to the array of credentials on Pro-Print's reception area walls.
FSC for Pro-Print
Gill Loubser reports that Pro-Print has obtained FSC certification, providing reassurance to brand owners – and ultimately to consumers – that products are sold in responsibly-sourced packaging material.
FIFTY-FIVE years since inception and Pro-Print’s founding principles have remained constant – ensuring service excellence and world-class print quality. And, by combining the talents of a 190-strong workforce with the most advanced printing and finishing technologies available, Pro-Print, led by MD, Yvette Roberts, continues to lead the pack, particularly in supplying packaging to the specialised and hotly-contested pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and beauty care sector.
Today, however, service excellence and print quality are only two parts of the equation, brand owners also need reassurance on environmental matters – just one example being the responsible sourcing of the materials used in their packaging.
For this reason and recognising a critical need to invest in an environmentally-sustainable future, Yvette has been keen for Pro-Print to join the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) initiative, and has now obtained Chain of Custody certification.
'We incorporate environmentally-responsible practices at all levels of our business,' comments Yvette. 'For instance, we reduce the use of precious resources through efficient practices and we ensure the best eco-friendly products and machinery are used in our factory. All our litho presses are alcohol-free, and we use vegetable-based inks; our paper waste is recycled by Mondi; and our chemicals are disposed of by approved operations.'
As part of this philosophy, she adds, raw material is purchased only from reputable mills using responsible forestry practices. 'We have always sourced cartonboard from FSC- and PEFC-certified mills, but we want to ensure that our customers are fully aware of this and have the option of adding the relevant information to their packaging. Our FSC Chain of Custody certification provides that reassurance, not only to our customers in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, nutraceutical and beauty products manufacturing sector, but also to end consumers.'
As Yvette points out, the registered FSC trademark logo on product packaging has become a globally-trusted mark for businesses and consumers looking for forest products that benefit people and the environment.
'It offers a credible link between responsible production and consumption, enabling consumers to make socially and environmentally responsible purchasing decisions,' she remarks.
FSC: promoting responsible forest management
THE Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation that promotes the responsible management of the world’s forests.
Established in 1993 in response to concerns over global deforestation, FSC has defined 10 principles and associated criteria that describe how forests should be managed to meet the social, economic, ecological, cultural and spiritual needs of present and future generations. These fundamental principles are realised in forests worldwide through FSC certification.
Certification allows productive forests and manufacturers to follow the vision and mission of FSC, with verification of environmental and social performance to ensure responsible management practices.
To earn FSC certification and the right to use the FSC label, an organisation must conform to all applicable FSC requirements, often requiring adaptation of management and operations.
According to Manushka Moodley, FSC's sub-regional coordinator, Southern Africa, almost 200-million hectares of forest are FSC certified in more than 80 countries, an increase of 50-million hectares in recent years. This unprecedented growth rate is a response to pressing market demand for FSC-certified products. This, in turn, affects forests in a positive way by driving demand for improved forestry practices and recognition for independent review.
Pro-Print Expansion with Komori Continues
/Pro-Print’s Mark O’Brien and Mahommed Khan are comfortably achieving more than one million impressions per month on the all-new Komori LA 237P.
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/Pro-Print recently held a prize giving in recognition of the excellent efforts of 4 of their staff.
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/Renowned for operating the most Komori sheetfed lithographic presses in South Africa, Durban-based print specialist, Pro-Print, has recently taken ownership of its 19th unit, this time a Komori LA237P, primarily for pharmaceutical packing inserts.
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